Product info
Primary Benefits
- May help support healthy NAD+ levels in the body
- Supports cellular health function
- Maintain healthy metabolism
- Supports cognitive function
- Contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism within the cell
- Provides antioxidant that help protect the body from the oxidative effects of free radicals
- Contribute to protection of cells from oxidative stress
*This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
Product Classifications
Quality Standards – GMP Operations and Standardized Ingredients
Checked For – Heavy Metals, Microbiological Contaminants, Allergens, Residual Solvents, Potency and Identity
Gluten-Free – The finished product contains no detectible gluten (<10ppm gluten)
No Detectable GMOs – The finished product contains no detectable genetically-modified organisms.
Vegan – The product is made without ingredients produced by or derived from animals.
No Pork – this products contains no pork or pork products
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What Makes This Product Unique?
Much like an atom is the foundation of the universe, a cell is the foundation of the human body. In the quest for long life and optimal health, scientists have delved into the intricate world of cellular function, DNA integrity and energy production. One significant compound stands out amongst the rest as being a crucial part of human metabolism and its aging process: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). Whether we are talking about simple bacteria or the complexity of human metabolism, NAD and its metabolic counterpart NADH are what the cell relies on for life.
These compounds hold the key to supporting healthy metabolism and aging. NAD is a coenzyme that is essential for carrying out cellular and metabolic functions, such as maintaining healthy levels of ATP production within the cells, supporting the body’s cellular regeneration process and maintaining healthy mitochondrial metabolism. Prime™ NAD+ delivers 250 mg of nicotinamide riboside (NR), paired with 50 mg of pterostilbene, both of which have been scientifically shown to support NAD+ levels within our cells. NAD+ is connected to one’s health, youth and quality of life; you simply cannot live without it since it is essential for cellular life. Cellular health is associated with our physical and cognitive health and overall well-being. Prime NAD+ is a gluten-free, non-GMO, formula that works to support healthy NAD+ production and helps maintain healthy metabolism in aging adults and adults with demanding fitness, work and travel schedules. If it feels like time is always running against you, it's time to consider your energy reserve and NAD+. Whether you are looking to combat the natural age-related decline of NAD+ levels or support NAD+ levels for those living NAD+-depleting lifestyles, Prime NAD+ may help you to sustain a healthy reservoir of the youthful NAD+ molecule.
NAD+ is naturally occurring, residing in every living cell in the body and has been linked to cellular health. Various sources of vitamin B3 are known as precursors of NAD+, meaning they influence or help build upon the production of NAD +. The balance between the consumption and synthesis of NAD+ plays into the replenishment or levels of NAD+ within our cells. There are three pathways that are responsible for helping to maintain this balance, each one working differently to convert NAD+ precursors into NAD+ for our cells. Prime NAD+ is specifically formulated with NR; this precursor is linked to the salvage pathway which plays a unique role in replenishing the pools of NAD+ in our cells. NAD+, the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides, and NADH, the reduced form, make up the NAD+ /NADH redox ratio, which provides insight as to how well our cells are creating energy or ATP and portrays the current condition of cellular health and metabolism. NAD +-depleting lifestyles can negatively impact this ratio, and imbalances of this ratio are associated with cellular aging. Consuming more NAD+ precursors that to promote the increase of NAD+ may help to maintain a healthy balance of this ratio.
Younger people naturally have higher NAD+ reserves pools in their cells. Additionally, observational research shows that older individuals who do not display the same biomarkers of aging as their age group are also linked to having higher pools of NAD. This demonstrates why sufficient levels are correlated with cellular youth and longevity. Studies have shown that the body’s natural NAD+ production begins to decrease in skin and within the brain as we age, making these precursors of higher importance to help sustain NAD+ levels. Other cellular pools also are impacted by age and the loss of NAD; such as mitochondria, adipose tissue and muscle- emphasizing that NAD a crucial part of healthy aging. Prime NAD+ is formulated with NR and pterostilbene, both of which have scientifically proven their ability to support cellular health. A study analyzing the effects of taking both the precursor NR and pterostilbene for an eight-week period (in which participants were either administered a placebo, a single serving or a double serving of the recommended amount) demonstrated its ability promote an increase of NAD+ levels. When analyzing concentration of NAD+ levels in the participants’ blood after four weeks, the study found that the group who took the recommended serving showed a 40% increase and the group administered a double serving showed a 90% increase of NAD+ levels in the blood; the placebo group showed no change. In addition, the levels reported at four weeks remained consistent for both groups who were administered NR and pterostilbene supplementation when measured at 60 days.
While supplementation of NAD+ precursors can promote an extra reserve of NAD+, it is NAD+ itself that really does the heavy lifting and influences all the different working parts of the cell that may help to safeguard you from the inevitable cellular aging process. One influencing factor is the promotion of sirtuins (SIRTs) activity, also known as the “longevity genes.” These genes are code for enzymes that assist in cellular metabolism and help protect the cells’ state of equilibrium or balance when the cells encounter stress. Prime NAD+ promotes the normal activity of the SIRT-1 gene, a treasured gene that protects the body from the negative effects of free radicals. SIRT-1 is associated with the anti-aging pathways and the modulation of a whirlwind of processes including DNA repair, genome maintenance, mitochondrial functioning and cellular metabolism. When our DNA becomes damaged, it can deplete the cell’s NAD+ levels, leading to a decrease in sirtuin activity. Therefore, stockpiling a healthy amount of NAD+ may naturally makes it easier for our cells to detoxify and aids in preserving the integrity of our genetic blueprint for optimal health.
While maintaining healthy NAD+ production promotes healthy sirtuin activity, healthy sirtuin activity helps support the regulation of telomeres. Telomeres are genome-protective caps located at the end of chromosomes: they act like the clear coating at the end of a shoelace string that keeps the shoelace from fraying. These little caps can indicate the age or lifespan of a cell, in which the longer in length the telomere is, the better. Each time your cells divide, the chromosomal telomeres become shortened, and over time they inevitably reach the point where the cell can no longer replicate. Evidence shows that shorter telomeres contain lower NAD+ levels. Just as NAD+ levels decrease with age, telomeres naturally shorten with age and both are correlated with the health of the cells and their ability to support the body’s cellular regeneration process. Studies suggest that taking both NR and pterostilbene together can support each other's bioavailability, or their ability to be absorbed by the cells. The bioavailability of pterostilbene is an essential factor that promotes the normal activity of the SIRT-1 gene. Pterostilbene also acts as the golden sword for the aging mind, as the autophagy-influencing antioxidant supports the mediation of SIRT-1 and SIRT-2, which may help maintain neurological and cognitive health. In addition, pterostilbene has been shown to be 60% more bioavailable and has a 91 minute longer half-life than its well-known stilbene counterpart, resveratrol; this means that pterostilbene is actively working in your system to assist the cells for a longer period.
Regardless of age, poor lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of sleep or exercise, unhealthy diets and other factors can have depleting effects on maintaining an optimal reservoir of NAD+, which might make NAD+-promoting supplementation beneficial for even those who are considered to be younger than the age when metabolic energy may naturally begin to slow down. NR and pterostilbene may support our overall well-being and bring you one step further to supporting you hack the aging process. With Prime NAD+ on your side, “The golden age is before us, not behind us.” You don’t have to wait until you are older to start caring about aging.
*This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Key Ingredients
Nicotinamide Riboside (crystalline nicotinamide riboside chloride):
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels naturally decline as we age, and lower levels have been linked to various health issues and the aging process itself. Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is a form of vitamin B3 that functions as a precursor to NAD+. When consumed, NR undergoes a series of biochemical reactions, transforming into nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), which the body then readily converts into NAD+. NAD+ is a critical coenzyme found in every cell of the body. Its role is to act as a shuttle bus, carrying elections between molecules in essential steps for many metabolic processes within the cell, namely ATP production – the energy source fueling various cellular functions.
Pterostilbene is a naturally occurring compound synthesized in plants. It has a similar structure to the more well-known phenol resveratrol. However, pterostilbene has a longer half-life and the compound has two methoxy groups, giving it a higher bioavailability than resveratrol. Once ingested, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and interacts with various cells and tissues, assisting in several biological pathways. Like resveratrol, pterostilbene has been shown to exhibit antioxidant properties, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals and oxidative stress.
- How should I take Prime NAD+?
Adults, take 2 capsules every morning with or without food. This supplement is meant to be taken only once a day. - Is there anyone who should not take this product?
If you are currently using any prescription drugs or have an ongoing medical condition, consult your healthcare provider before using this product. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. - What are the two factors that play into the continuous replenishment of NAD+ in the cells?
The consumption and synthesis of NAD+ are two factors that play into the replenishment or concentration levels of NAD+ within the cells. There are three pathways that are responsible for helping to maintain this balance, known as the Preiss-Handler pathway, de novo biosynthesis pathway and the salvage pathway. Each of these pathways works in different ways to help the precursor NR and other NAD+ precursors convert into NAD+ for the body’s cells. The NAD+ precursor NR is specifically linked to the salvage pathway. - What is NAD+/NADH redox ratio?
NAD+ is recognized as the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides whereas NADH is the reduced form. Overall, the NAD+/NADH redox ratio explains how well the cells are creating energy or ATP, portraying the current condition of cellular health and metabolism. NAD+-depleting lifestyles can negatively impact this ratio, throwing it off balance and leading to a decreased ratio which is also associated with age. Consuming more NAD+ precursors which help support levels of NAD+ is effective for helping to maintain a healthy balance of this ratio. - What can deplete NAD+ levels in the body other than aging?
Regardless of age, rough lifestyle habits can contribute to the increased need of NAD+. Smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, being overweight, insufficient sleep and eating an unhealthy diet are all factors that can lead to NAD+ - What are NAD+ precursors?
Various sources of vitamin B3, including nicotinamide riboside (NR), nicotinic acid (NA), nicotinamide (NAM), nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), and tryptophan (Trp), are known as precursors of NAD+, meaning they influence or help build upon the production of NAD+. - What is the half-life of pterostilbene in comparison to resveratrol?
Pterostilbene has a much longer half-life (105 minutes) than resveratrol (14 minutes), meaning that pterostilbene is actively working in your system for a longer time. - What are other ways you can promote sirtuin activity?
Sirtuins are special molecules that are associated with supporting the cells’ lifespan. In addition to NR and pterostilbene, the youthful, antioxidant-rich molecule, sirtuin activity can also be promoted by supplementing with resveratrol and curcumin. Exercise and a decrease in caloric intake have also been shown to be effective ways to naturally increase the activity of sirtuins. - What are telomeres?
Telomeres are genome-protective caps that are located at the ends of chromosomes and indicate the age or suggested lifespan of a cell, in which the longer the telomere in length, the better. Telomeres are like the clear coating at the end of the shoelace string that keeps the lace from fraying; each time your cells divide, the chromosomal telomeres become shorter. Where maintaining healthy NAD+ production promotes healthy sirtuin activity, healthy sirtuin activity helps support the regulation of telomeres. Evidence shows that shorter telomeres contain lower NAD+ Just as NAD+ levels decrease with age, telomeres naturally shorten with age and both are correlated with the health of the cells and their ability to support the body’s cellular regeneration process. - What is the goal of Prime NAD+?
While all our Prime products are crafted to promote healthy aging at every level (including vision health, cardiovascular health, joint or hormone support), Prime NAD+ was specifically formulated to help you maintain a healthy reservoir of the youthful NAD+ molecule to help support cellular health function. - What foods contain NAD+ precursors or naturally assist in promoting NAD+?
Foods such as broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, avocado and tomato contain the NAD+ precursor NMN. Other foods containing higher levels of niacin and tryptophan, such as dairy, fish, beef, turkey and green vegetables, also help naturally increase NAD+ - How was NAD+ discovered?
NAD+ was discovered over 100 years ago while scientists were doing experiments on fermentation in which yeast cells metabolize sugar and convert it into alcohol. Around twenty years later, scientists successfully separated the components of the yeast cells and discovered the chemical shape of the NAD molecule. In 1958, Jack Preiss and Phillip Handler showed how nicotonic acid is converted to NAD and identified responsible enzymes. The pathway that converts nicotonic acid to NAD is named the Preiss-Handler pathway. - Does Prime NAD+ contain pork or pork products?
- Is Prime NAD+ manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) facility?
Yes, this product is manufactured in a GMP-compliant facility.
* This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Customer Reviews
Displaying reviews 1 - 5 of 29
by Anonymous
i love it!!
I have consumed 3 bottles of this NAD+, my skin has brightened, and the face is tighter.
l love it very much!!
- Shop Consultant
Smoother skin
It took not more than 2bottles of NAD+ before my husband actually noticed that his hands and legs became smoother - his legs used to be very itchy and have lots of marks. We love it!
by Anonymous
Highly recommend for those who concern on beauty
Love this product so much, nice to share with besties nice to eat
by Lee
- Shop Consultant
Love this reverse age product
Have been taking this since May 2024. I seen obvious firming skin and brighter skin tone, jawline is clearer, also energy level is up! Am continuing taking to stay young!
by NGE
- Shop Consultant
Took this amazing product for a couple of weeks and am able to carry 25 kg dumbbells for bench press which I only could manage 20kg x 4 sets x 12 repetitions. Now, I am on 25 kg x 4 sets x 12 reps. Best to go with Tower Plus Whet Protein Isolate.